Monday, December 16, 2019

ready to read

When I walked in to this English class for the first time I felt really weird because I didn't really know what to do or where to sit. I only knew like three people in the class so i just sat next to them.
Also this didn't really look like all the ordinary English classrooms because it didn't have posters around the room. The first time I saw you, I felt like this was going to be a different learning course then the rest because you were straight forward with us and gave us a choice of learning the ordinary way or open soure. Then you walked out of the classroom so I was like is he really going to let you decide the way we want to learn this year. So that is when I decided that I wanted to learn a different way. As a whole class we all decided to go with open source learning.
Some of the challenges I faced this semester was trying to write journals everyday and putting blogs up. Some things that were new to me was memorizing poems, expressing myself, and also writing essays with no topic or method to follow just like this one. Also in all the my other English courses I've been learning the ordinary way so I felt like I got used to that method that I messed up some of the blogs or journal entries.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How to get along online

 To get along online you have to be able to feel comfortable, able to wait for their replies, and be honest to them even if it is a little harsh. These three tips are to have a good conversation online.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

On Self-reliance pt.4

  • To learn is to change our minds
  • Honor is timeless and ephermeris is something that comes back and forth
  • Everyone has an influence to follow 
  • You dont have to be great or grand for people to look at you

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds"
"To be great is to be misunderstood"

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

On Self-reliance pt.3

  • If you can't have bad then what is good 
  • You can do good things instead to just trying to look good to others 
  • In the society we live in right now we are in a lot of pressure to not say the truth 
  • People dont take risks because they think it will be unpleasant 
 "For nonconformity the world whips you with is displeasure."
 "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

On Self-reliance pt.2

  • We choose what we decide to focus on 
  • If you dont have the courage to do something then you will never do it
  • We put time and effort on something then something great will happen along the way
  • People learn to express themselves 
  • If you trust yourself enough to do something great 
  • Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members

Monday, November 4, 2019

First impression on self-reliance

My first impression was that you need to believe in your own thoughts and be yourself. Also people might not agree with you but they can still count on you for your honest. Your belief in yourself is genius.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Let Me Walk You Through The Pedestrian

 Bradbury went for a walk at night when it was all lonely outside. During the walk he got arrested by a car that had a voicebox. Then he went home and wrote about what happened to him. When he was getting arrested he felt like humanity was getting lost and that technology was taking over people's emotions.
 Bradbury felt so many emotions when he got arrested, but he couldn't say them to anyone because there was not a single person mentioned in the story besides him. So he decided to write about it.

 The tone of this story is the author's attitude which is serious and cold. Bradbury had lots of attitude because he didn't know how he really felt the moment he got arrested. At sometimes he was serious and in others he tried to be funny. Well his sarcasm didn't really work, when you have a voicebox arrest you. Therefore he felt isolated from the world because everyone attached to thier technology and he was the only one mentioned in the story.

 Bradbury's character was serious and lonely because he went for walk in the night alone and had no one to by his side to say what just happened to him. Also everyone just left him alone for years making him just write about his day, and how we are lost in our own world of technology.

 This story really expresses the way people in our society or even in the future will be. Bradbury was lonely and couldn't really express himself with others because he might get in trouble and others wouldn't pay attention. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

So this guy goes for a walk

The tone of his life is not full with emotions and I feel like his character is so emotional.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Same words Different people

Someone used thier own knowledge of what the words mean.
Someone else use the help of the internet dictionary.

Vocabulary we need

Meme: a funny picture that means a positive or negative lesson
Virus: a infected thing that is not able to be seen and causes harm
Viral: something that goes online and that circulates around the internet until it get lots of views
Blog: a regular updated website by someone
Wiki: a website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users

Open Source:

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

First impression of a dream

This poem got me thinking if we actually do the things we dream about or do we just imagine them. It's like being able to do the things just being trapped in a bubble until it pops and you wake up not knowing what you did.

Friday, September 27, 2019

My essay essay

 The theme he is trying to communicate is guilt because young Goodman brown is losing his faith in humanity. He was walking in the dark around the forest and found himself with evil things. The man with the serpent headed staff is portrayed as evil and he gets suspicious about the things that are around him. Which then he sees his wife, but she didn't seem normal and he was starting to lose faith until he no longer saw them. He "woke up" looking at a clear blue sky.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Literature Analysis

The book Without A Trace by Clarissa Ann Lynch the tone of this book is that author sounds really scared and confused about what is happening to her and her daughter. For example in page 37 she says that, "I couldn’t protect Lily in Tennessee, and I can’t protect her now", this means that she is afraid that her husband will come for her daughter and harm her the way he did to her. She doesn't know how to over come the fact that she took her daughter away from her husband without him know and afraid that he will find them.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The medium is the message

There are different ways to send a message and the way you text. Sending a message can be in the public because there is no protection to protect it from getting hacked. For example, most social media platforms don't have protection. Also the way you text can really make a difference on the way you want people to view you as. For example, you can abbreviate thing when you are speaking to someone close to you, but when it's someone far you won't do that because it will kind of feel weird.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The earth on turtle's back

My first impression was that this myth was really interesting and there was lots of personification, metaphor, and similes. The muskrat was the tiny one that was able to get earth and save the women. Determination can get you somewhere and it shows you that you should behave better.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Today I was thinking

Today I was thinking about how to map out my week to be a better person and to fix my bad habits. Also I was thinking about how to be more relaxed when it comes to writing by concentrating in my breathing for 60 seconds or more in order to be better.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

I care about your understanding

I'm going to write about how I feel about different types of music. There is a point where everyone has different tastes but then most of the people listen to rap or either Spanish songs. If others were to listen to ballads or music in a different type of language they would be judged by their peers or friends. You can listen to any type of music and still understand the meaning behind the song because there are people who translate the song or even write the lyrics for other people to understand it. We can all get along as long as we don't judge want we listen to.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Everything is a remix


•Remix: to combine something and taking it to make something new (arranging of samples)
• Domain Knowledge: to learn to speak the language
• Copying: to take something and doing your own thing with it
• Transform: expanding it and making it bigger and better
• Combination: taking new stuff and combining them together
• Copy, Transform, and Combine are basic things to remix something into your own

The first 50 pages

The book I'm reading is Without a Trace by Clarissa Ann Lynch.  So far this book started of really interesting because there is already a mystery about a daughter getting kidnapped and there is a lot of metaphors.

Monday, September 2, 2019

How I read

My experience with reading isn't that bad when I was young because I liked reading. I used to read in a group of friends and we got to choose the book we wanted to read. Also my mom read to me in spanish which I really liked. As I got older I didn't like to read as much, but I liked to read Percy Jackson's books. My preference in books right now are suspense, action, and mystery.

Getting to know you

It is important to know people in your community because you can communicate with them know it's safe and that they know you. You can also walk around by yourself knowing the people you live around is safe.

I'm not entitled to my opinion

My perspective on the reading is that everyone has opinions on things, but are afraid to speak about it because they might not want to be wrong. But there is no right or wrong side when it comes to your opinions and thoughts.

Training like a memory champion

There are different ways to learn different things. You can memorize things differently when using different methods and it can be helpful when trying to memorize something hard.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Hack to School

My english class is about us learning through an open source system where we use a blog to write about what is happening is class or outside in the world. The easiest th part of this class is doing the blog post and posting them while the hardest part is probably memorizing poems. I've learned that english is not all about reading and writing. My big question is why do we do things that we dont want to.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Communication Strategies of a Hacker

He uses diction, syntax, and tone to convey his message by using really hard words to express himself in some places, but then in other places he uses really "low level" words. The tone he is probably using is in the beginning is really annoyed and the probably towards the end he is trying to be inspirational.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Conscience of a hacker

I agree that we are all alike in the eyes of adults because we do the same behavior in school but we all have different lives outside of schools adults don't know about.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Right To Your Opinion

Something interesting about this reading is the nobody really has a right for an opinion eventhough we have a "voice".

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Socratic Method

It was very interesting on how it said about the small things that can make a difference and how to turn something negative or boring to something more meaningful.

Thursday, August 15, 2019


Hey welcome to my blog I'm Jasmin. This is where I will be able to talk about things that happen around me or just new things I learn.